Thursday, June 14, 2012

Send SMS from PC to mobile phones using VB

These topic is for those who wants to learn how to send SMS (Short Message Service) from pc to mobile phones.

1. Mobile phone (Nokia Model Only)
2. Connecting Device (Such as: Infrared, DataCable, or Bluetooth)
3. Download the appropriate Nokia PC Connectivity SDK depends on the version or model of the Nokia Phone you are using.

1. Install the connecting device (Such as: Infrared, DataCable, or Bluetooth) in you pc.
NOTE: You must connect first the phone to your pc before installing.
2. Install the Nokia PC COnnectivity.
3. Open a Visual Studio and start new project.
4. Add the Nokia Components in your preferences.
5. Then copy the code below.

Private Sub cmdSend_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap
    Dim message As String
    message = txtMsg.Text
    Select Case chkUnicode.Value
    Case vbUnchecked
        If (Len(message) > SMS_TEXT_MAX_SIZE) Then
            pMsgPart1 = Left(message, SMS_CONCATENATED_TEXT_MAX_SIZE)
            pMsgPart2 = Right(message, Len(message) - SMS_CONCATENATED_TEXT_MAX_SIZE)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Case vbChecked
        If (Len(message) > SMS_UNICODE_MAX_SIZE) Then
            pMsgPart1 = Left(message, SMS_CONCATENATED_UNICODE_MAX_SIZE)
            pMsgPart2 = Right(message, Len(message) - SMS_CONCATENATED_UNICODE_MAX_SIZE)
            Exit Sub
        End If
    Case Else
        MsgBox ("Select coding scheme")
    End Select
    Dim smsEntry As NokiaCLMessaging.ShortMessageItem
    Set smsEntry = New NokiaCLMessaging.ShortMessageItem
    Set pIGSMSubmit = smsEntry.TypeProperties
    pIGSMSubmit.message = txtMsg.Text
    pIGSMSubmit.DestinationAddress = txtDestination.Text
    pIGSMSubmit.ServiceCenterAddress = txtMsgCenter.Text
    pIGSMSubmit.ProtocolID = 0
    If (chkUnicode.Value = vbChecked) Then
        pIGSMSubmit.DataCodingScheme = CODING_SCHEME_UNICODE
        pIGSMSubmit.DataCodingScheme = CODING_SCHEME_TEXT
    End If
    pIGSMSubmit.ValidityPeriodRelative = 255
   'Insert your code here to store the sent message in the database.
    MsgBox "Message Sent TO " & txtDestination.Text & vbCrLf & "With Reference Number: " & pIGSMSubmit.MessageReference, vbOKOnly, "Message Sent"
Exit Sub


    If Err.Number = -2147467259 Or Err.Number = -2147467259 Then
    End If
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbInformation, "SMS Cannot Send"

End Sub

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